
Blast Off


Hey there athlete,
Are you struggling with your vertical jump?
It doesn’t matter how tall you are… how old you feel… or what BS jump programsyou’ve tried unsuccessfully in the past…
And over the next few minutes, I’m going to prove it to you…
Because I’m sharing my new 3-phase, zero to bounce system…
It’s called the Athlete Jump Academy.
And it’s a brand-new framework YOU can use RIGHT AWAY to increase your jump by a staggering 4-8+ inches.
All in less than 12 weeks.
Don’t waste any more time cranking up the height on box jumps…
Getting stuck on multiple plateaus…
And trying whack workouts that don’t give you any results…
This is THE program for Athletes who are serious about increasing their vert and overall jumping.
Here’s what I mean…
And all of them have gone into this vert framework and come out on the other side an absolute jumping MACHINE…
I can’t emphasize this enough:
This isn’t just another useless jump tutorial.
Stick with me and you’ll learn a few things you’re probably doing that’s actually HURTING your vertical.
In fact…
And you’re probably thinking, “I’ve already been through a ton of jumping programs…
Tried all the exercises… what makes this different?”
Simple answer…
Most jump programs don’t work because:
#1 – The creators were genetically gifted and don’t factor in the “average athlete’s” struggles with jumping higher.
#2 – The programs aren’t designed in a way that properly progresses your vertical jump.
#3 – The programs are specifically made for basketball players to dunk and don’t account for all the other sports out there.
But after gaining over 8 inches on my vertical myself just this last month alone…
And working with pro-athletes, regular joes, and many others to get similar results…
I’ve created a 3-phase system that’s PROVEN to dramatically increase your vertical jump.
But first, let me introduce myself.
I played 3 years in the Canadian Football League…
And also ran for the #1 Ranked Track and Field Program in the Country.
After my time as a pro-athlete…
My obsession with human performance stayed with me.
That’s when I realized I had a calling…
I wanted to share my strategies for unlocking athletic potential to the world.
So athletes around the world can achieve their goals just like I did.
And after gathering over a decade of knowledge training athletes…
I’ve decided to share my secrets to the public.
That’s where The Athlete Jump Academy was born.
Now I’m not guaranteeing you’re going to have a 50 inch vertical jump by following my advice…
But I will promise you this.
If you follow this step-by-step framework…
Consisting of proven workouts each week…
I can guarantee you that.
Trust me when I say it’ll be the best feeling in the world…
And today I’m going to share the exact roadmap to increasing your vertical jump…
Along with everything you need to know.
The sets, the reps, and the exact exercises to follow.
And the best part is, I made this to help athletes in EVERY sport.
Not just Basketball.
But first, let me ask you something…
Think about this…
What would your life be like if you could finally increase your vertical jump?
Would you finally get that full-ride scholarship to the school of your dreams?
Maybe you’d be the star who everyone looks up to on your team…
Imagine getting the attention of college scouts across the country…
Or the feeling of breaking new records…
That’s what you can expect when you use this system for yourself.
Because when you can jump higher it feels like almost ANYTHING is possible.
And I can guarantee you NONE of this will happen again:
NO MORE being too scared to make game-winning plays on the field…
NO MORE feeling unconfident in games and practice…
NO MORE BS tutorials that don’t actually increase your vertical jump…
NO MORE sitting on the sidelines because you’re better than the starters…
Not only is the this protocol the most effective way to increase your vertical…
But it’s also the safest.
And the best part is that I guarantee that you will jump higher or I’ll give you your money back.
And with that said, let me introduce you to the Athlete Jump Academy.
During the first phase you will be introducing your body to the unique movement patterns and exercises of the program.
And I don’t want that to sound intimidating at all…
It’s not going to be insanely hard…it will be no more demanding than any other workout you’ve done.
But it will be better because you’ll be training in the correct manner.
Smarter, not harder.
Everything in this phase is centered around prepping your body to take advantage of the nexts phases, so let’s do it.
Phase 2 of the program is designed to build maximal strength and power.
You’ll train about 3x a week with each session lasting about 60 minutes.
Here we will ‘shock’ your body using extensive strength, speed, and plyo workouts.
This is where the real magic happens.
During this phase you’ll see insane gains in your strength, bounce, and speed.
And as a reminder, this is where you’ll need to take the training VERY seriously.
Every rep, every jump, every sprint needs to be done with correct form and 100% effort.
After this phase you will be leaping higher and feeling better than ever before.
The final phase of the program is all about peaking.
It’s time to take everything we’ve done in the last 2 phases and top it off.
This is where your body learns to take the power, strength, and speed…
And translate that into jumping higher in all situations.
You’ll still train 3x a week for about 60 minutes a session…
But you’ll notice a significant increase in how your body is feeling and moving.
This is the most exciting time of the program…
You will feel much lighter and springier on your feet…
And you’ll be ready to use those skills in your game.
It’s helped hundreds of my athletes achieve their wildest dreams…
Parents have thanked me for helping their kid get the full-ride scholarship they wanted…
Athletes have broken through their plateaus…
My buddies won’t stop tagging me in their IG videos showing me their hops…
And I want the same for you.
This is the first jump training framework which takes an ‘all sports and all athletes’ approach.
And combines everything into a step-by-step blueprint for you to follow.
I want you to be one of the lucky few who tries my new 4-phase Vertical Jump Training Protocol. But I suggest you hurry, because there’s a limited number of access codes I’m sharing to the public.
To quickly recap, Vertical Jump Training Protocol can dramatically increase your vertical jump in less than 12 weeks.
It’s a clearly scheduled 3-month roadmap…
And you’ve got to be willing to put in the work.
Now if you join today, I’m throwing in a few more gifts to make this a no-brainer for you…
Ever wondered how some Athletes can rep 225 on the bench for 20+ times?
This program will give you a step-by-step process to blast your previous bench press record.
As an added bonus you’ll get this 30 day routine added for free when you grab the Athlete Jump Academy today!
You might have heard it before, but you’ll hear it again.
Nutrition is KING when it comes to becoming an elite and high performing athlete and nothing will change that.
This seminar series is a free gift to you that will give you everything you need to know when it comes to fueling your body.
A fan favorite, the pro cone agility series brings you a bonus that will help you with your agility, change of direction, and overall footwork.
We brought in some pro athletes to help create this bonus, so you know it’s packed full of the good stuff you need to get to that next level.
The best part? You can do it anywhere!
Surround yourself with a strong support system of all our trainers and people like you.
You have access to the forum 24×7 and you’re allowed to ask any and all questions related to the program, training, or anything else.
Motivate yourself and surround yourself with people who are striving to achieve greatness just like you.
But when you agree to try the Athlete Jump Academy right now, you won’t pay anywhere near that…
Because I really want to give you the best deal possible.
If you sign up for a risk-free trial of Athlete Jump Academy today, I’ll knock 50% off the listed price.
That means you’ll get instant access to everything inside the system…
AND I’ll send you EVERYTHING else I just told you about all for the low price of only $67.
And I’m so confident that you’re going to see amazing results that I’m going to give you a money-back guarantee you can’t refuse.
If you go through this program and you absolutely do NOT see any progress (nearly impossible)…
I will send you a 100% refund.
No questions asked.
There’s nothing to lose.
And everything to gain…
We want you to be absolutely confident and comfortable in training with us. That’s why we offer our ‘No-Hassle’ Guarantee.
If you aren’t happy and satisfied within the first 30 days then we will send 100% of your money back. No hassles, no subscriptions, just all of your money back.
Zero-risk for you. Full commitment from us!
You can forget about all the information I laid out for you. Forget about the proven vertical jump method I’ve shown you.
And try to do it all alone. You may see a bit of improvement.
But the plateaus are inevitable.
Take one small step today…
And it could have the greatest impact in your athletic career.
All you need to do is click the ‘ORDER NOW’ button below right now. I’ve spent years creating this proven method. And now all you have to do is follow the simple step-by-step framework…
And you can see as much as a 2 to 6-inch increase in your vertical in the first week!
And even more over the course of the next 12 weeks.
Thousands of people are seeing results FAST with the Vertical Jump Protocol.
But time waits for no man…
A This program is completely digital. You can access the members portal using any device that can access the internet.
After your purchase, you will immediately be sent your login information to get started. You will NOT be sent anything in the mail.
A The Speed & Agility Accelerator is a 12-week program.
The program consists of 3 phases of 4 weeks each. Each week will have 4 days of workouts with rest days phased in between.
We believe so much in our product and the science behind it that we have no issues with this deal. All you have to do is contact customer support and let us know you want a refund.
A This is one of the more common questions we get asked and it’s a simple answer.
Almost 99% of sports involve some sort of athletic movement like jumping, cutting, running, etc. This program helps improve those areas to make you an overall better athlete in 12 weeks.